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The theme of the XXX Viljandi Folk Music Festival is "Let it resound"!

XXX Viljandi Folk Music Festival takes pace in Viljandi on 27–30 July, 2023.

Sing, sing, oh lips, so dear,

move, oh bird-like tongue, so dear,

mull on your thoughts, oh berry spirit, so dear,

be joyous, oh heart, so dear!

When the most renowned folk music party in Estonia reaches the big Three-Oh, then it’s only fitting that we take some time to pause and ponder. Today we don’t look back. Instead, we look around us, at the people and sounds that have once again come together, we rejoice with all our hearts and stride on, like a good engine. Because that’s what Viljandi Folk Music Festival undoubtedly is – an initiator and a mastermind, a supporter and a lab of new ideas, keeper of tradition and nourisher of soul. A 30-year-old is a fully fledged, competent and conscientious being, in every way.

In 2023, the Viljandi Folk Music focuses on the party itself. To start anew 30 times and joyfully merge tradition, music and people into such a sublime union that the steam gained in Viljandi keeps you bright and breezy for the whole following year, until the end of next july… It has been a truly inspiring journey. And we carry on with the same passion and thirst for life, always eager to delight.

We welcome dear old friends and new guests, fall happily under the spell of the music and stories they bring along, and celebrate the festival’s big birthday.

Let it resound!

You will surely be silent,
when you are beneath the black earth,
in between white boards,
in the middle of a pretty chest!

Welcome to the XXX Viljandi Folk Music Festival!

XXX Viljandi Folk Music Festival takes pace in Viljandi on 27–30 July, 2023.